Registration, Form and Fees | Bank Account | SSCC Contributing Companies

About Us

The ESOC Climbing Club is located in Darmstadt, Germany and supported by the Sports, Social & Cultural committee (SSCC) of the European Space Agency.

The club is represented by the following committee in 2024 (they can all be reached at

Chair Georgia Soulioti
Treasurer Lisa Savarieau
Secretary Michael Ammon
Equipment Officer Elmar Brendel

Registration and Membership Fees

In order to join, do the following:

  • Request membership on the MySSCC Portal – it will be approved once the membership fee has been received
  • Transfer the membership fee

(Note:  the old membership form is no longer required as all the required information are provided via MySSCC)

The club is open to people from ESA and EUMETSAT. It’s also open to people external to ESA, as long as they are active in ESA activities. Being part of the SSCC clubs, the climbing club is subsidised by its member companies.

Internal Membership: ESA and EUMETSAT staff and pensioners, their partners and contractors working on ESA contracts in SSCC contributing companies.

External Membership: contractors working on ESA contracts in companies which do not contribute to the SSCC, their partners and children of any members.

The Membership is valid for the calendar year (from January to December).

The following membership fees apply for 2025:

Member Type Fee
Internal € 40.00 /€ 20.00 (*)
External € 60.00/€ 30.00 (*)

(*) Fee for registration before summer break/Fee for registration after summer break (usually end of June).

Additional fees may apply for special trips and training courses and will be clearly communicated in the respective invitations.

Bank Account Information

Account Holder ESOC Climbing Club
Bank BBBank Karlsruhe
IBAN DE51 6609 0800 0005 6415 19

SSCC Contributing Companies

Please check with your company, if it is contributing to the SSCC this year.